Saturday, January 30, 2010

another reflection landscape sketch

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

I like the idea of using this blog as a sketch book, BTW. It suits the blog genre.

I have started sketching the landscape series. The idea is to do the landscape in a series of ponds of water after rain or any other bodies of water I happen to find around here. I threw a couple of rolls through my RB67 and into the developing chemicals. It being too hot here the negs are not able to be used due to what happens when hot film hits cool chemicals, but I get the idea.

Two scans of proofs are posted here. I also ordered a ND and orange filter and Lee filter holder for the RB67 and the 127mm KL lens, which I do like the look of, so far.

Friday, January 22, 2010

I am hoping this is the last of the still lifes

Hopefully I can move onto the landscape ideas next

and I am ignoring all the printing of final fibre base prints, which right now sounds like too much.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Looking at the two variations, photos of the original model with a changed upper half, it seems that one cannot say a photograph is a copy of the model. Too much separates the image from the model. The image is itself, not a copy, what could this say of immanent critique which is seemingly grounded by mimesis?
Having made it this far, using this blog as a sketch book or a documentation of work in progress, I should do something about posting smaller uniform sized jpegs.

This is the first or a variation from the one below. I like both. This introduces a closer variation to the still life series that needs more thought. This looks like a small cave or grotto which is also an image I use toward the beginning of the novel, Swindle book one, which I have yet to finish revising. The cross over looks completely different, of course.

New scanner

I went out and got a new scanner so can repost the last two JPEG scans: